Part 21: Blastin' Makes Me Feel Good
Update 021: Blastin' Makes Me Feel Good

The "only" enemies in the Control Center are the various drones. The two lower tiers aren't an issue outside of the annoyance of breaking the party's gear intermittently, but the Terminator Units... thankfully this place starts us off a bit easy without forcing us to deal with any of them.

This console is super important. It's easy to miss it, but when you use it, your characters get the usual little green "something good happened"-sparkle and...

Despite feeling a bit labyrinthine, the Control Center actually has a relatively straightforward layout.

It only has two real "levels," though I did, uh, waste like half an hour trying to find the ramp up to the second level later on, because I'm a moron. Now that we've learned Blaster use, our goal is to find four good Blasters for the party. And no, what we found so far is not, as they say, "the good shit."

However, I believe it's possible to entirely kit the party out with these piddly little things without engaging a single Terminator Unit, so if you're feeling a bit cowardly or underlevelled for this place, it's an option. After all, there's really only one enemy in the game that needs Blasters to destroy it... but we're gonna do this properly.

Now! Bobelix can Resurrect our Eradicated party members BUT, it takes a really long time to recover from, and Resurrected party members are restored with 0 MP and 0 HP(KO'd state). This means that someone getting Eradicated and Bobelix picking them up puts two party members out of the fight for a while, plus even once healed up to being alive they're also Weak which reduces their fighting capacity a bit. Thus, eradications are super bad news, and only RNG protects us from it when fighting Terminator Units.

Just to show how badly it can go, in this first encounter with a single Terminator Unit, Richmond got Eradicated three times and Deadeye once, forcing me to reload since I clearly wasn't gonna be winning it with only Agnes outputting any damage.

So yeah, THAT room features the return of Ring of Fire. Blowing Richmond's entire supply of SP is actually enough to kill the lesser Units on the other side, but sadly not the Terminators.

In fact it barely even knocks them down to half health. Between their resistances and their high HP totals, they do not go down easy.

By sheer luck, though, I manage to take them down without anyone getting Eradicated, leaving us a clear run at these delicious loot boxes.

Imagine a heavenly choir SFX here.

So, let's talk Blasters and why they rule. At a glance, they have non-impressive damage. Okay stats, but only okay, considering that they don't benefit from Heroism boosting their damage. You will almost certainly see a damage-per-attack drop when equipping them. But that's not the whole story.
Blasters have the advantage of doing Energy damage, which nothing resists, so it always eats the full damage rolled and... they're a bit bugged.
See, all weapons have a hidden "recovery" stat, which determines their time between swings. A staff or an axe, for instance, have a recovery value of "100." This can be further penalized by various maluses like heavy armor, boosted by a high Speed stat, by being Hasted, having the Recovery enchantment on the item or in some cases by a high weapon skill. In turn-based combat, all weapons are, no matter their boosts, capped at a Recovery time of 30. This is still quite good! It allows Blasters to attack about twice as often as any other weapon.
In real-time mode, however, this cap is removed for bows and blasters, and Agnes can shit out a volley of ten Blaster shots per one attack or arrow from anyone else. I assume this is a bug, but not even Grayface's patch addresses it.

The big central room is probably the second-scariest area in the game, because the mobility options for the enemies means that staying in real-time mode and leveraging Agnes' blaster brrrrt'ing maximally isn't very easy.
Just poking my head in gets Richmond eradicated again.

After this fight, I realize I've got Blaster on everyone and thus should pop out to get my Blaster Expert and Blaster Master training, I also decide to get a couple of levels the party hasn't taken advantage of yet and to Master everyone's armor skill. Armor skill just reduces Armor recovery penalty, and at Master it completely eliminates the penalty. Using Blasters, this evens out to a lot of extra blastin'.
During this, I also realize that for some reason the party's popularity has dropped into Notorious again, for no obvious reason, and thus decide to show off the thing that someone mentioned a few pages back.

Obviously I saved before this and reload after. We've got robots to kill.

So far I've only still managed to find one damn big blaster rifle.

Also this is where I get fucked.
See, Bobelix just got Eradicated...
And getting him revived costs 1200 gold that I don't have because I spent it all on training and level-ups...
And this dungeon has zero gold or sellable loot.

We're on Blaster Rifle 2 out of 4, though! Woo!

So, having failed to find the second-level ramp, I'm now dealing with some of the optional sections of the Control Center, like the central hall.

And I become convinced that a place with this many Terminators in it, absolutely has to be where they're hiding the last Blaster Rifles, since I can only find three of the damn things. At this point Bobelix is the only one missing one, also, interesting, I learn that it's possible to off-hand a sword or dagger alongside the Blaster Rifle, which lists a higher damage on the character sheet but which, as far as I can tell, does not actually increase damage.

So many Terminators.
After a couple of abortive runs at them trying to actually wear them down, I decide to just run past them to get the Blaster Rifles I treasure so much. It goes well!

Super awesome great! Couldn't be better!

Because Richmond can't kill a half dozen Terminator Units by himself, pick locks or resurrect the rest of the party. I have him set down a Lloyd's Beacon here, Town Portal out, and then return with the rest of the party to for the chest-cracking celebration.

Turns out that room was our optional "do you hate yourself enough to try this"-challenge of the game.

But it does add the "Super Goober" title to everyone's character sheet!

Getting out is easy, as I have beacons all over the fucking place, but I still need my fourth rifle, so it's time to visit the second floor.

As far as I can tell this observatorium area always displays the night sky, scrolling past at high speed. It's hard to catch, but it actually makes the janky low-quality night-time skybox look pretty good.

There's a chest... and this one asshole peeking around the corner. We see you.

Did not see your buddy, though!

Guess who isn't going to miss these pricks one bit once I'm done with this place.

[Several days later]

Welcome to the Caves of the Dragon Riders, the last and probably toughest non-plot dungeon in the game.

The layout's reasonably simple, you've got a central little ante chamber with a corridor to each area with enemies and stuff. Only one or two of them have sub-splits once you go down them.

Half of the enemies in here are Wyrms, which are non-flying, slightly tougher drakes that still eat shit when hit by a dedicated Blaster barrage.

They always drop an item of some sort, usually high-quality, as well as a considerable amount of gold. Just clearing the first room is about 20k gold even before accounting for profits from selling stuff.

The "rider" part of Cave of the Dragon Riders is Death Knights/Doom Knights/Cuisinarts, and just to emphasize how rough Cuisinarts are, they're still tougher to blaze down than the godamn wyrms. I outright have more trouble with them than the wyrms(not that any part of this really gives me trouble, this is what happens when you face off dragons vs lasers: lasers win).
Most of the chambers also have chests, a couple spice it up with...

Oddly enough they just dispense random items, once, each, rather than being drinkable.

Generally a lot of vicious and unrepentant violence occurs, now that I know how the Blaster recovery works, it's all just real-time attack spam and I think it may end up requiring me a new keyboard.

Along the way, I also find the first randomly generated relic drop of the game! Yeah, just like... one dungeon from the end.

Turns out to be basically the best spear in the game, which would be nice if A) any of the party used spears and B) they weren't all upgraded to laser guns by now.

So most of the cave rooms have two chests, and the final cave room... is a room with three chests.
Two of them just contain loot, but the third one contains the greatest treasure of all...


So clearing out the Caves of the Dragon Riders with our laser rifles earned us a fat fucking 200k gold and some spare change besides. That's fucking good! So I set the party to doing what's likely to be the last levelling-up of the game.

Leaving everyone at level 81. Generally there's a huge jump in levels here at the end of the game, as returning the memory modules, unlocking the control center, etc. provides MASSIVE amounts of XP, between 10 and 20 levels depending on what level you're at before getting there.
So let's have a final overview of what the sheets are looking like. Barring some super lucky item drop or something, this is how everyone's gonna be looking going into the final stuff.

Deadeye hasn't changed much, he's still blasting with Implosion when at range and Lighting Bolt against phys-resistant enemies, then carving them up in melee with an axe. Like everyone else, though, he's largely switched to pure Blaster use. I'll probably spend his big stash of skill points before the game ends, but it's hard to figure what it would be good to spend it on since Blasters just get more accurate and they're already SUPER accurate from just being Blessed. Also note those super rad base resistances from wearing Apollo, this is everyone's stats WITHOUT boost spells. His Item ID and Trap Disarm skill have been as high as they need to be for the entirety of the game ever since he hit like level... 20.

Agnes is, obviously, less sturdy than Deadeye. Everyone is. She's almost purely invested in magic, though I kept her from spending skill points on Mind(because it fucking sucks), Spirit and Body is so she can help Bobelix keep everyone alive. Like Deadeye, her elemental magic is mostly Air because Electricity and Physical damage are the two most reliable types in the game. The full casters don't have the spare points to invest in misc. skills.

Richmond almost never uses his magic offensively, his big job is keeping up Day of Protection, Day of the Gods and Hour of Power. In a pinch he brings out Shrapmetal from Dark Magic, or Fireball against the rare fire-vulnerable enemy. But fire-vulnerables are rare as fuck later on. Water magic is entirely for locomotion, because it sucks for damage. Ever since he started dual-wielding daggers, though, between their speed and the damage up from heroism, just slashing away with those almost always did better damage-per-second/action than spells.

Bobelix is also pretty straightforward in build, Spirit magic for Shared Life, Body magic for Power Cure, Repair so I don't go completely insane. Swords to bring Cuisinarts some of their own bullshit right back.

Next: We destroy the world. Or save it.